Pastoral Support
The Pastoral Support Team works with children in school to help them access all aspect of school life. We can offer a range of individual or group therapeutic interventions which aim to improve the Mental Health and Wellbeing of our children. Please see the attached leaflet for more information on what we provide.
We are embedding the Six Principles of Nurture across the school to develop a nurturing culture that promotes healthy outcomes for children by focusing on emotional needs and development as well as academic learning.
Our six principles of nurture are:
1. We all learn in our own way and in our own time
2. We feel safe at Cherry Tree School
3. We care for our own and other's wellbeing
4. We use the Zones of Regulation to talk about how we feel
5. Our behaviour shows you how we are feeling
6. Things will change and that is okay.
Our Pastoral Support Team is lead by Therapeutic Behaviour Practitioner, Debbie Massey.
If you have any concerns regarding your child's social, emotional, mental health or behaviour please contact Ms Massey via the School Office.
You can follow the Pastoral Support Team on Twitter @CherryTreePST