Festival of Outdoor Education - Eco Council & Forest School

Full CalendarSchool events

This event will take place between 9:00am and 3:15pm on 23/05/2024

This is an incredible event run by the students completing their master’s degree in Outdoor Environmental Education that Mrs Hill helped to organise last year.  Our pupils will have the opportunity to take part in a variety of interactive activities within the beautiful grounds of the Bayfordbury Campus, such as pond dipping, nature art, campfire cooking and woodland treasure hunts.

The University of Hertfordshire day of Outdoor Learning is a wonderful opportunity for our passionate Eco-council members and Forest School children to spend a day meeting University tutors and students who share in their love of nature and all things ‘outdoors’. As with all learning outdoors, the event is fully risk-assessed and appropriately staffed. Children will be accompanied by a school member of staff as well as having a university team member with them throughout the day. We will leave school at 9am and travel by coach to the University. We will be back at school by 3.15pm. There is a voluntary contribution of £5 towards the coach, please make payment on Arbor. On the day, children should be dressed in their school jumper and polo top with outdoor trousers/jogging bottoms (no shorts) and sturdy, comfortable outdoor footwear e.g., trainers or wellies (no open toe footwear). If the weather is warm, we also advise applying and sending your child in with sun cream (ideally SPF 50). They will need to bring a large water bottle to last the whole day and a packed lunch which we will eat there. If your child has a current Free School Meal entitlement, they will be provided with a free packed lunch from our school kitchen but please let us know if you would prefer to provide your own packed lunch. If you have any further questions about this trip, please do not hesitate to get in touch.