Year 6 Christ Church Trip
This event will take place between 0:00am and 0:00am on 24/04/2024
To support this term’s RE learning on Christianity, we will be taking our Year 6 children to visit Christ Church on St Albans Road, during the afternoon of Wednesday 24th April 2024. During our trip, the children will be able to explore how this local church serves the surrounding community and its significance within the Christian religion.
Children are expected to arrive at school in full school uniform with comfortable, black shoes for walking. They will not be required to bring anything with them. We would however recommend that you provide sensible clothing for the weather (coats or a sunhat subject to the day’s weather forecast).
We will be leaving after lunch and anticipate that we will return in time for the end of the day.
We are looking for adult helpers to accompany us on our trip. If you can help, please either reply to this email or speak to one of us at drop off or pick up