Fun Lunch - World Book Day
This event will take place on 07/03/2024
We will be having a special World book day fun lunch on Thursday 7th March 2024; the main meals are:
- Pork Sausages
- Vegetable Sausages
- Chicken Sausages (Halal)
This will be available to all children, including those that do not currently have a school meal. All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 can enjoy a free meal on this day.
You only need to complete the Microsoft form sent to your email if:
- Your child normally has a school meal on a Thursday but wishes to OPT out and bring in a packed lunch.
- or your child is in Year 3, 4, 5 or 6 and does not normally have a school dinner on a Thursday. The cost of this lunch will be £2.45 per child which will be added to their Arbor account, if they are not entitled to Free school meals,
Please complete this form by Tuesday 5th March 2024.